Ok guys. It's time to get real for a moment. I do not do any form of advertising on this account and do not use it for financial purposes at all. However, once in a while something comes up that I want you to take part in... This is one of those things and it won't cost you a single cent. Did you know that right now there are more than 200 million people living in hunger in slums across the globe? We all spend our days focusing on balance and happiness and the yogic lifestyle, and sometimes it's easy to forget how good our lives actually are. There are so many people out there in need, and today I encourage you to support a project that is actually making a difference! Tellus Urban Aquaponics is a project aiming to establish a sustainable food production and distribution network for disadvantaged communities, focusing on Brazil and with time spreading awareness and help all over the world. They produce and distribute nutritious food at an affordable price and empower local communities through local employment and education. It will cost you nothing to help spread the word! Please vote for them here: http://on.fb.me/12sudpF and check out their website (www.tellusaquaponics.wix.com/home) to help make this project become a reality all over the globe! One person voting will get a free yoga class from yours truly next time I'm in your town! So please vote - you can make a real difference in many people's lives. http://on.fb.me/12sudpF LOVE. For all. #everydamnday

yoga_girlさん(@yoga_girl)が投稿した動画 -

レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 5月3日 03時05分

Ok guys. It's time to get real for a moment. I do not do any form of advertising on this account and do not use it for financial purposes at all. However, once in a while something comes up that I want you to take part in... This is one of those things and it won't cost you a single cent.
Did you know that right now there are more than 200 million people living in hunger in slums across the globe? We all spend our days focusing on balance and happiness and the yogic lifestyle, and sometimes it's easy to forget how good our lives actually are. There are so many people out there in need, and today I encourage you to support a project that is actually making a difference! Tellus Urban Aquaponics is a project aiming to establish a sustainable food production and distribution network for disadvantaged communities, focusing on Brazil and with time spreading awareness and help all over the world. They produce and distribute nutritious food at an affordable price and empower local communities through local employment and education. It will cost you nothing to help spread the word! Please vote for them here:
and check out their website (www.tellusaquaponics.wix.com/home) to help make this project become a reality all over the globe!
One person voting will get a free yoga class from yours truly next time I'm in your town! So please vote - you can make a real difference in many people's lives.


LOVE. For all. #everydamnday


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




