レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 5月4日 01時49分

Demoing safe handstand assists with @nenaknafo at the @allyoucanyoga master class in Miami last weekend. When you spot each other during inversions, make sure you support the hips, the thighs and the low back! No need to hold on to ankles or toes (at least for beginners) - when you lose your balance you fall from where you're heaviest... So keep an eye on the booty!? Also make sure to stand on the opposite side of the lifted keg so you don't get whacked in the face? I like to place the palm of my hand in between the things of the person I'm spotting and then tell then to squeeze it tight - it helps to engage the inner thighs and to tuck the tailbone to avoid banana backs. Happy handstanding!

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