テス・ホリデーのインスタグラム(tessholliday) - 6月9日 09時40分

I don't hate many things, but one that gets my blood boiling is seeing women bash each other. It's always the ones that have an opinion about things they seem to be the least educated on. I'm not saying men aren't guilty of this, but as women we should be encouraging each other, not sensely destroying lives with internet bullying & venomous words..because that's what it does. News flash: the only person that will look like a jerk isn't your victim- it's you. Why be bitter when you can be happy? Why not focus on your life instead of what other's are doing? So you don't like someone's dress...hush it. You think they are a crappy person..hush it. Really. #benice #itsnotthathard


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