ジェイミー・オリヴァーのインスタグラム(jamieoliver) - 10月31日 21時39分

Ok Instagramers please read this, I'm not sure why you loverly people follow me but I do appreciate it every day and your comments from all over the world Are amazing , so I'd like to introduce some one special to you my mate and a inspirational mentor of mine Sir Paul Smith or simply Smithy !give him a follow @ポールスミス its all his stuff ! if you ever have wondered what inspires me ,what makes me try a little harder, and what inspires me to focus on good ideas and be single mindedness and what most importantly reaffirms to me that kindness and real relationships with people and your staff at work is the most important thing to do good work ...well paul inspires me to do all those things and more so if you want some of that inspiration and goose bumps !!!:) read his book called "hallo my name is Paul Smith" its amazing its about real creative stuff also check out his video to show off his underwear!! It's the best fashion advert ever but not an advert !! Paul smith.co.uk/underwear its brilliant !!! Big love #jamieoliver


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