thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 11月5日 12時50分

Photo: @gordonwiltsie

As winter approaches and I pull on more sweaters, I remember what cold can really mean. Here, while I was photographing another expedition, I watched renowned mountaineer #ReinholdMessner (the first person to climb all of the world's 8000-meter peaks) and his brother Hubert testing their sleds for an unsupported #expedition across the frozen #ArcticOcean from a Russian polar island to Canada, via the #NorthPole. Behind them are pressure ridges and mist rising from open water leads.
Two days later, while sleeping in -50 degree temperatures, they heard rumbling and their headlamps revealed a newly-formed pressure ridge tumbling towards them as if pushed by a titanic bulldozer. They dragged their sleeping bags and radio to safer ice, but when returning for the rest, their tents and sleds and everything in in them were buried under tons of still-moving ice. The team had to be rescued, after which Reinhold called this place the most dangerous he had ever been.
#cold #latergram #midnightsun #polar


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