ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 5月1日 19時18分

Photo @Keith Ladzinski - The nesting season for Snow Petrels is as deadly and volatile as the environment they live in, Antarctica. The snow petrel is one of three birds in the world that nests exclusively in Antarctica. Seen here, two male Snow Petrels in a very high speed battle. The orange colored substance on the male being pursued is bile, vomited from the perusing male. This bile decreases the buoyancy of the oil on the birds feathers and inhibits the birds ability to float when it's hunting out at sea and can result in drowning from exhaustion. I was lucky enough to capture this hi-speed moment high on the cliffs above these birds while climbing. Shot #onassignment with @Cory Richards @freddiewilkinson and #MikeLibecki in Nov/dec of 2012 @natgeocreative @3stringsproductions


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