National Geographic Travelのインスタグラム(natgeotravel) - 9月21日 22時37分

Second in size only to Antarctica, Greenland's Ice sheet covers approximately 80% of the country for almost 700,000 square miles and is on average 1-2 miles thick. While the current ice has been determined to be as old as 110,000 years, there has been an ice sheet covering the majority of #Greenland for at least the last 18 million years. In short, it's a massive body of ICE as far as the eye can see and difficult for the mind to fully comprehend. I had the pleasure of hiking up to the ice sheet with a few fellow travelers, strapping on some crampons, and playing around on the ice for 3 or 4 hours. It was a blast. We even drilled some ice screws, fixed a rope, and dropped down a little bit to get a better view down a few moulins (near vertical shafts through the glacier where meltwater escapes). It is a scary, and exciting, feeling to stand over an ice shaft hundreds, even thousands (who knows!), of feet down with water gushing into it. Raise your hand if you'd like to try looking down the mouth of a moulin on Greenland's ice sheet. Photo by @magnumji


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