レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 10月8日 08時23分

There is no limit to what you can create with good intentions and persistence. Know from the bottom of your heart that you can do absolutely anything. Anything! No dream is too big. Everything you yearn for is yours for the taking. You are a very powerful being, even though your mind will sometimes tell you otherwise. Don't ever let that little voice inside of your head saying "I can't. I'm not good enough" dictate how you live your life! Listen to your heart instead. Your heart speaks to you, all the time. Know what it's saying right now?? "You CAN! You are good enough. You will always be good enough. The world is on your side. The only thing standing in your way is you not believing that you can. PS - I love you." So. Listen to your heart. Chase those dreams. Believe in your own power. Harness it. Use it. Create good things. Get out there and make shit happen, dammit!??☺️ #power #intention #dream #love #inspiration #life


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