レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 10月11日 10時59分

Salty hands from a salty handstand!!! Bonaire truly is a magical island. This pink lake is created by the salt flats nearby. We've been here many times and the only place in the world I've ever seen like it is Kape Verde on the west coast of Africa - where they happen to speak a dialect super similar to Papiamento, the local language of Bonaire and Aruba! One of the Kape Verde islands is called Sal - Salt - and it has huge pink lakes and salt flats all around. Beautiful. But isn't it crazy? Two islands 5,000 miles apart, so similar, speaking the same language. Life is one big, magical mystery.

#life #travel #mystery #world #bonaire #kapeverde #pink #salt #hands #beach #bikini #happy #inspiration

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