Instagramのインスタグラム(instagram) - 10月29日 22時22分

Brodie Castle sits on the high peaks of Scotland in Moray, a 16th-century reminder of the nation's supernatural heritage. On a small heath known as Macbeth's Hillock, King Macbeth is believed to have encountered three “weird sisters”—an event that inspired Shakespeare's famous tragedy. “The woodland walks on the estate could certainly be described as spooky,” says local Instagrammer Dean Mackay (@deanmackay). “In some areas the trees are so tall and tightly packed together sunlight only just struggles through. The air is thick with the smell of the ancient Scots pine and Norway spruce trees. Dead leaves fall from the trees and crumble under foot.” See more by exploring the #brodiecastle hashtag and tapping the blue location text above.

Photo by @amcleod87

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