thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 3月2日 06時09分

Photograph by @remibenali. The Venus d'Arles, a follow-up to my precedent image about the Arlesian woman and images of my region. Cast from the original statue standing under a dust protection in the reserves of the Museon Arlaten (museum of the Provencal culture). The original marble statue, was discovered in 1651 and represents the Goddess Aphrodite. Her right arm was lacking and the sculptor Girardon decided in restaurating it to add her hand holding an apple. Of course such a freedom today will not be permit. The statue has been sculpted in the first century AD copying probably a Greek model sculpted by Praxiteles 3 centuries earlier. We often don't know that the roman statues were painted! Her skin was light peach, her hairs were covered of gold leaves and the tunic was painted in blue. There are also some marks and holes in the marble showing that she was probably wearing jewelry.

#france #provence #arles #museonarlaten #provencalculture #antiquity #romanempire #marblestatue #aphrodite #venus #antiquit #photographefranais #keepalwaysdiscovering #lifeisnotasquare


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