ブリアナ・エヴィガンのインスタグラム(brianaevigan) - 3月28日 01時42分

Day 2! Tag 3 people! This is one of my fav photos I took on #jalajalaisland ... It's like you and me @emilycolombier ... I'd like to say how much I love my friends. I do not know what I'd do with out those relationships. They've gotten me so far and through such hard times that I never thought I'd come out of or be able to make sense of. My friends are the Angels in my life that are always looking out for me. The support you all have given me and what you've each taught me has been extraordinary to my life. You've taught me how to live and be selfless. You've taught me patience, to be kind, and that being me, is a wonderful thing. Thank you for the love every single day of my life. You guys make the world spin madly on ;) @liayn_themovie #loveisallyouneed #equality #humanrights #antibullying #buddiesforlife (apparently can only tag 20 don't think i forgot you! @_diamondblack_ @samjclark @basscampfest @timmycarhart @mjlaca


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