Li Tian の雑貨屋のインスタグラム(dairyandcream) - 4月10日 20時12分

Paying tribute to French classics through the #creativesghomecooks "Seafood" challenge?Here is a simple yet meaningful dish "Filets of Sole Meuniere" by Julia Child? Believed to be the first dish that inspired her love with food and brought it to America as it was her first-ever meal in France. In My Life in France, Julia described the sole as “a morsel of perfection” and “the most exciting meal” of her life". Recipe comes from "The Way to Cook" Julia Child, 1989. A celebration for love for food?Bon Appetite!

Tagging @therantingpanda @sgfoodonfoot @maaeibs @msskinnyfat to pass on the cooking marathon :) [im tagging more than 3 cos I forgot to tag last month ?]

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