クリス・バーカードのインスタグラム(chrisburkard) - 4月11日 04時14分

I had the opportunity to be apart of an epic zine called #GoinOutIsGoingIn. It was a collaboration with a lot of talented musicians and photographers I have looked up to for a long time with @1percentftp. We wanted to use our talents to create something that could give back to the outdoors. 100% of profits are going to preserve this beautiful playground we call Earth.
Including this photo above from @ben_moon which was the cover and one of my favorite pictures I have seen all year.. Check it out on my profile link ? #
And follow some of the awesome folks involved @beccaskinner @jamesqmartin @jeffjohnson_beyondandback @jjamesjoiner @forestwoodward @Keith Ladzinski and others.
PS - each copy comes with a mixtape from bands like Modest Mouse and more. ✌️

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