thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 5月23日 05時35分

Photo: @edkashi Palmyra, 2008. A recent @Wall Street Journal article states, “The U.N. cultural agency, Unesco, considers the 2,000-year-old Palmyra one of the Middle East’s most important heritage sites and has expressed fear over its safety after Islamic State militants destroyed other ancient sites in Syria and Iraq. It urged an immediate end to fighting there, which it noted endangers civilians and posed an imminent threat to the ruins.” The Palmyra occuption “isn't just a matter of history. Today, it's also home to tens of thousands of people -- many of whom, if they haven't already fled, cower in fear they'll meet the same grisly fate of so many others conquered by ISIS,” according to CNN. @viiphoto


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