Magnum Photosのインスタグラム(magnumphotos) - 7月19日 03時57分

@chien_chi_chang Yangon, 2010. Sorry, fellas, it's just an informational image! There is no Bourne Identity or Supremacy or Ultimatum. There is no Operation Treadstone or Blackbrair. But the following is REAL: "In the summer of 2010, when I was flying out of Yangon International Airport, the officials manning the X-ray machine discovered that I had about five thousand U.S. dollars, all in sequential numbers. One official just snatched a hundred dollar bill from the wallet without asking or blinking. I took it right back and reluctantly gave him a fifty dollar bill. He tossed the fifty right back and grabbed another one hundred-dollar bill, right in front of his giggling colleagues and all the murmuring passengers in line behind me. In the end, he got a brand-new hundred-dollar bill, and I got out in one piece. I wrote down the whole scenario and was reimbursed by the magazine I was working for." So, it really does not matter how big or small the camera bag is and it does not matter whether one is shooting B/W or color or infrared, film or digital. You get in, get the picture(s) and get out in time and in one piece. That's all I can report for now and good night from Taiwan. #jetlag #hatjecantz #yangon #hotel #BurmeseKyat


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