ケリー・スレーターのインスタグラム(kellyslater) - 9月27日 08時19分

I'll be baffled if anyone can name everyone in this photo from left to right including the person in the way back. You'd have to have been in either Florida or Texas back in about '86 to know most likely. Here are your hints surf trivia people...guy on far left is running a contest in #PismoBeach today and had a bad mustache. Second one used to have hair. Third guy charges anything and is a goofy footer. Fourth is brother to the one getting bunny ears and was a badass guitarist when we were teenagers. Fifth one has a sometimes funny brother and is from #Pensacola. Bunny ears was famous for wraparound cutbacks. Pink shirt runs a traction/accessories company. Guy in back right used to be a judge, lives in France (I think so if I have it right). Far right was my good friend and arch nemesis rival for many years. I'll tag them all in about an hour or add names here. #ILoveOldPhotos from L-R...Walter Cerny @stillfrothy, me, @nathanfletcher, Nathan Brown, Yancy Spencer, Chris Brown, Drew Todd, Carl Wieser, @shanebeschen.


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