ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 12月9日 15時30分

Photo by @mattiasklumofficial
This is one of the richest marine ecosystems in the World; Raja Ampat, Indonesia. These reefs are home for more than 1500 species of fish and around 700 species of reef-building coral, and counting...! Please go to @mattiasklumofficial to see another photo from this paradise on Earth! By preserving and respecting the remaining beauty on this planet we actually secure long term sustainable success for mankind! The only safe path ahead is to love and enjoy nature in a more thoughtful way anchored in science and "common sense"! I am right now in Paris at Cop 21 to talk about this together with my friend Professor Johan Rockström. Check it out at www.bwsp.org Shot on assignment with @monikaklum, @ansgarklumphotos and @einarklum. #cop21 #rajaampat #indonesia #marine #ecosystem #paradise #bwsp #src #johanrockstrm #divers #instagood #photooftheday #mattiasklum #wwf #iucn #conservation @ナショナルジオグラフィック @natgeocreative @nikonprofessional @thephotosociety


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