ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 1月9日 02時06分

Photo by @michaelchristopherbrown. Mbuti Pygmy children in the Ituri forest of Congo, D.R.C. "There is a Pygmy legend of the little boy who finds the bird of the most beautiful song in the forest. He brings it home and asks his father to bring food for the bird, but the father doesn’t want to feed only a bird. And one time the father kills the bird, and when he killed the bird, he killed his own life, and he died. And the legend says, the man killed the bird, and with the bird he killed the song, and with the song himself. Isn’t that a story about what happens when human beings destroy their environment, destroy their world, destroy nature and the revelation of nature? They destroy their own nature and human nature, too. They kill the song.” From a paraphrased conversation with Bill Moyers and Joseph Campbell in “The Power of Myth.”

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