スミソニアン博物館のインスタグラム(smithsonian) - 3月8日 22時05分

Hello! My name is Briana Pobiner and I am a paleoanthropologist, which means I study how humans evolved into what we are today. I work at @Smithsoniannmnh and helped put together the Hall of Human Origins which you see behind me.

Today, I’ll share some of my favorite parts --objects that I think tell us more about what it means to be human, and female!
A tiny bit more about me: I became hooked on science as an undergraduate, when I realized that there were questions no one knew the answer to. Since then I’ve been searching for answers to what I think are some fascinating questions about our past and couldn’t ask for a better place to do my job. -Briana
#InspireHer #MuseumDayLive! #WomenInSTEM


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