トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 3月22日 15時42分

For all the times that you made me feel small
I fell in love now I fear nothin' at all
I never felt so low when I was vulnerable
Was I a fool to let you break down my walls?
????? my darlings there is strength to be found in independence, it's often the closest people in our lives that hurt us the most and not the enemies that we watch so closely. But when my heart broke for the very last time I didn't want to put it back together again because my life is already filled with love and happiness for my children and outlook. I realise that you are only treated the way you allow others to treat you and the more you give the more they will take and expect from you in return. Love isn't ownership, jealously or greed it's being free, feeling happy and never having to cry yourself to sleep at night because your partner has lied again, cheated or failed to see you for the person you truly are. I believe I'm destined to be alone in life but I think it's what makes me who I am, I wouldn't be me if someone else was pulling the strings ?????? #love #peace #namaste #happy #girl #single #nostress #atpeace #freedom #believe #achieve #success #smile #enjoy #life #live #laugh #fun #beyourself #beyou #freespirit #noworries #alonebutnotlonely #family #friends #independent #independentwoman #bosslady


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