ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 4月22日 11時20分

Photograph by Jodi Cobb @jodicobbphoto || #EarthDay. To really understand the earth, it’s often best to see it from above. The Italian island of Burano is in the same lagoon as Venice, and is an astonishing sight with nearly 3000 people crowded into its vibrantly colored houses. Legend has it that they were painted so vividly so the fishermen could spot them through the fog. Now if the residents want to change the color, they have to choose from a list of government-approved hues.
#NatgeoEarthDay #venetianlagoon #Burano
Want to have your #EarthDay photo published on NatGeo.com? Add #NatgeoEarthDay to your images, then check NatGeo.com on Earth Day, April 22nd.


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