キャリー=アン・モスのインスタグラム(carrieannemoss) - 4月30日 06時26分

At the airport two weeks ago, walking thru a bookstore to see what I might get to read on my trip to London. So many books . So many choices. I felt a bit flustered within all of it and decided to apply one of the many tools I use in my life. I decided to pick a book only from my heart and intuition. No thinking not even reading a page . I would let the book speak to me. I walked around the store and shifted from the overwhelm the over stimulated and went within and found myself holding this book. I started to read it on my flight home and I am deeply moved at what im reading in this book::
Anne Morrow Lindbergh writes over fifty years ago in gift from the sea "Woman must be the pioneer in this turning inward for strength. "
#fiercegrace #annapurnaliving
# longflightsandinstagram


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