キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 5月6日 04時16分

Day 6 #MayIBeginYoga2016 is Warrior Two, Virabhadrasana B. Keep the mind steady and take aim at your spiritual center. What you focus on you will become. The mind is a key determinant in your success. Focus on the negative and you will get more, celebrate every little success and you will get more. Don't underestimate the bravery, courage and determination you need to fight the inner battle.

Wow, I just read and responded to all your comment on my YouTube channel! I am so touched by all your stories of inspiration, strength, soreness, practice and challenge. I was getting bummed out about the old comments on my channel but now I'm loving connecting with people who have their hearts in yoga like you. So thank you! Watch, practice, like and comment on today's video just published (link to Day 6 video in bio). ?

Check with @beachyogagirl for her video today.
Winners get prizes from @liquidoactive and @omstarsapparel

Photo by @ifilmyoga


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