ジェナ・マクドゥーガルのインスタグラム(hevenshe) - 5月9日 10時28分

Day 7 - Chair Pose #yogaforhope
All grey, all day. Can you tell I don't want to be in a picture right now? ? Sydney is pure gloomy! (I'm late to day 7 so heres my wrap on chair pose). It used to be my least favourite part of yoga until I accepted the test it presented me. To stay focused and keep breathing. The release after chair pose as you straighten your legs and look to the sky is a beautiful moment!

How did you enjoy week 1 of the #yogaforhope challenge? It's not too late to jump on board! Watch the guided videos at the link in @hopefortheday 's bio. "Reach a little higher, sink a little deeper" @woodywoodrow @joeltyrrellhlh @jonnyboucher #itonlytakesone #yogaforhope


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