シャーロット・デュリフのインスタグラム(chadurif) - 6月8日 02時40分

After an epic 40h journey, starting as soon as I stepped down of the Nationals podium, I finally made it to Boulder at 1am today! And it feels awesome to just relax and enjoy the sun (getting a taaaan) laying on comfy pads now ?

Excited for @joshlrsn to arrive here soon too!

Thank you so much @jonglassberg for hosting us!

Oh yeah btw I got 2nd at the overall nationals! Being only 2 climbers didn't leave much space for mistake... @mathilde_becerra was better than me in this game, and she won it with the manner on the last stage !

@petzl_official @ @volxholds @eb_climbing


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