unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 7月13日 00時58分

Madadr Tuok, 5, from Bentiu, studies at the Lich Primary School in the protection of Civilians (POC) site in Bentiu, #SouthSudan. “My mother helps me with my buttons every day before school” he said as he proudly stood up to show us his small suit. “I carry my own stool to school each day. It is just an old can my mother had used. It is not high. If I sit at the front, I can see the teacher.” His teacher is the energetic 18-year old Tabitha Imano, and every bit of her enthusiasm is needed to contain a class that today was over 130 students. “Today’s not too bad” Tabitha says, “sometimes it can get over 200.” The Lich Primary school inside the Bentiu Protection of Civilians camp contains up to 6000 students on its busiest days, all squeezed in to a series of reed sided, canvas-roofed rooms. In Class 1, Madadr joins his classmates singing and chanting, repeating Tabitha’s lesson energetically. The hardest part Tabitha says is the lack of organization and the noise, “but” she adds “they are learning, all of them. Slowly.” © UNICEF/UNI203953/Everett


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