レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 7月24日 14時32分

Shift your awareness from pain
to the love beneath it. The love that allows this pain to exist. If it wasn't for our interconnectedness it wouldn't hurt. Lives lost in Kabul, Baghdad, Munich, Nice and countless other places all over the globe, are all OUR lives lost. We may not know the victims of these acts of terror but it's still our pain. Our world is bleeding. Humanity is hurting. But - understanding that the pain we feel wouldn't be able to exist without compassion allows us to shift this energy from bad to good. I am because I love. I love - therefore I am.
I felt so distraught by the bombing in Kabul today; I'm not sure what happened but my heart just finally had enough. I spent an hour crying on the couch and then felt such a huge urge to UNITE I got on Facebook live and cried with so many of you. Thousands. We cried and then we sat in silence. It was painful and so fucking beautiful.
Here's the thing: I cry about the state of the world but in my heart I know... Love is bigger. It is.
Please - stay grounded in your unconditional ability to love. And we will overcome.
I love you. Let's keep each other safe. xo


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