ケイラ・アイトサインズのインスタグラム(kayla_itsines) - 5月11日 20時51分

@got.it.girl progress using my #bbg program!! She says "It's actually not about a number or how you look or whether your booty is big enough or your abs shredded enough or whatever it is that happens to be in fashion body-wise that season. It is about the shift that happens when you show your body the respect and kindness that it deserves day in and day out, in the way you speak to yourself, what you do for yourself, and what you expect of yourself. I was equally awesome in both photos, but (as you can see from my face ?) I only realised that in the second photo after finally shifting my focus from wanting to look a certain way, to wanting to FEEL a certain way. And that's when it all started coming together for me. Loving your body will get you further than hating it ever will" www.kaylaitsines.com/app #bbgprogress


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