ケイト・ナッシュのインスタグラム(katenash) - 5月18日 20時48分

En route to Brighton to talk about music & ACTIVISM at Great Escape Festival. 3.00 PM @ The Old Courtroom. Always been important and natural to me to use my platform to talk about stuff I care about even back in the day when I was a squirt on the swim team swimming for heart disease and I didn't even know I HAD heart disease!!! ? I was in chess club as well don't worry ?? Speaking of using your voice please register to vote! 60% of 18-24 year olds aren't voting and we need your voices. It's your bloody future mate. Choose someone that you think you have a chance at holding accountable. Someone that will take care of the most vulnerable. I know you're sick of all these unrelatable cunts, me too. Same old shit. But this is the system, it's in place. Let's improve what we can. Not give up. I am as annoying as my idol Dori who never gave up and I will always have hope. Be a part of shaping what the future looks like for you. Use the opportunity you are being given to try and protect the things you care about. To change what you can. At least give yourself the chance to! Just register at least and then you still have time to think about it. Gimme more time to convince you to actually vote! Fuckkkkiiiinnnn do it! You can register to vote until Monday! Takes 5 minutes! All you need is your national insurance no. Link is in my bio ⬆️ pic @voteforpatmore


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