thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 6月23日 07時51分

Honduran White Tent Bats (Ectophylla alba), Costa Rica — Photo by Kevin Schafer @schaferpho @ナショナルジオグラフィック – For years, I searched for these beautiful bats in the forests of Costa Rica, but repeatedly found just their abandoned tents, not the animals who constructed them. (These bats spend their days resting under tents like this, built by chewing little holes along the leaf’s midrib, which then droops down to form a perfect shelter.) Finally, I stumbled on to this handsome group, hanging upside down and nestled together under a Heliconia leaf, less than a foot off the ground. To get this picture I had to lie on my back and slide slowly under the leaf, taking care not to disturb them; the slightest jiggle of their leaf would have scattered them instantly. I took a few images and then slid out again, happy to have left them relatively undisturbed, and thrilled to have finally found them at all. #ectophyllaalba #batlovers #nikon #costaricawildlife


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