TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 8月6日 22時12分

The decision by the United States to drop atomic bombs on two Japanese cities—Hiroshima first, on Aug. 6, 1945, and Nagasaki three days later—was that rare historical moment that requires little hindsight to gain its significance. World War II would end, and the Cold War soon begin. New frontiers of science were opening, along with new and frightening moral questions.⠀

For the survivors of those ruined cities, the coming of the bomb was a personal event before it was a global one. Amid the death and destruction, some combination of luck or destiny or smarts saved them—and therefore saved the voices that can still tell the world what it looks like when human beings find new and terrible ways to destroy one another.⠀

Today, photographer Haruka Sakaguchi (@hsakag) is seeking out those individuals, asking them to speak about what they lived through and to write a message to future generations. As the world again marks the grim anniversaries of the bombings, here is a selection of that powerful work.⠀

Photographs by Haruka Sakaguchi (@hsakag)


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