エミリー・シアーズのインスタグラム(emilysears) - 10月7日 09時08分

Getting it in with @1stphorm ⚙️?.
You never really know how strong you are until you're tested. We have this idea of strength which I honestly believe is warped.
Sometimes strength means being strong for others, leading and being the rock for other people. Sometimes strength is having the courage to let go of your fears and what's holding you back from being your best self, your happiest, fulfilled most joyous self.

Sometimes the strength is in carrying the load, sometimes the strength is in letting it go.
Since I connected with @1stphorm #phamily I've been faced with a lot of my own fears and insecurities. It's not just about my body either, it's being inspired by this exceptional group of people who always leave me wondering, can I be doing more?
During my workout, #1stphorm BCAAs help me to reach my potential and that's a great thing. .
Strength and training is about a lot more than the workouts tho, it's mental, it's in everything we do and every choice we make in our lives.

What does strength mean to you?
#iam1stphorm #legionofboom #bcaa


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