TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 10月28日 07時45分

@finnwolfhard plays the intrepid adventurer Mike on the hit show @strangerthingstv. TIME visited the set back in May during the filming of Season 2, which premiered on @ネットフリックス on Oct. 27. On set, the kids are both full of capering zest and possessed of that sort of big-kid poise that develops in your early teens. There's a lot of downtime between takes that adults might spend reading, knitting or staring, bored, into a phone. But the kids have no trouble keeping busy. At one point, Wolfhard and @カレブ・マクラフリン, who plays the cautious Lucas, kill time between takes by singing Bon Jovi into a fan held by castmate Joe Keery. They seem like a tribe, in other words. For Wolfhard, who also starred in this year's blockbuster remake of Stephen King's 'It,' being on set is an escape from class. "School was difficult for me, elementary school especially," he said. "That was a hard battle. I was getting bullied a lot." The 'Stranger Things' kids, whether you relate to them or to their parents, are on one hell of an adventure. "As we grow up," Wolfhard told TIME television critic Daniel D'Addario at one point on set, "the characters grow up with us. For now, we've trademarked them. Until they remake it in 20 years. Or make a spin-off." Photograph by @grantcornett for TIME


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