カーハートのインスタグラム(carhartt) - 11月3日 21時25分

Les Fritz, a weatherized but gentle soul who has spent more winters than he can count out in the deep snow and treeless hills of North Dakota, was never bothered by the cold.  You won’t hear Les complain about pitching hay at 40 below in only a jean jacket and lace-up boots. Or mining his own coal with horse and wagon well into the 1970’s. The only grievance the 102-year-old cattle rancher likes to air is with the hearing aid that now bedevils him. “They’re a miserable deal,” he chuckles, as its alarm screamed for the umpteenth time one gray afternoon we visited him in Dickinson. Of the tough years, well, he says he pretty much expected most of them. He remembers the 30’s alright: “We didn’t have anything to harvest because it all blew away.” And, the winter of 48 was tough. Beyond those admissions, “hard work...is everyday life,” he shrugs, unamused by the thought that the two could be divisible. ( Beautiful description by @gennyallison & portrait by @elliotstudio )

#Carhartt #portrait #100yearsofchorecoat #centenarian #100yearsold #100


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