ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 12月22日 18時34分

So today should have been my first day back @upfitnesslive doing this ?
However I’ve been struck down with flu ? It started Y’day morn with what I thought was just a cold so I carried about the day and went to an event but I started feeling worse and had to leave early.
I was home and in bed by 4.30pm. My joints were achy I felt sick and I was shaking & sweating. I attempted work on the radio today but the boys sent me home after an hour. I think because the last 4 months have been so full on mentally & physically with no rest period my body has just coped and ran on adrenaline. After a few days not so full on its like my brain has switched and gone “oh, I now have time to shut this body down” Well, no you don’t because it’s Christmas! ? One thing the guys at UP taught me was to ALWAYS listen to my body & rest when needed. I’m gutted that instead of being In the gym starting my new program today I’m in bed starting a new boxset, however I know long term it’ll do me no favours to attempt to train feeling like I do. Taking care of ourselves is number 1. I’m determined to get back in @upfitnesslive before New Year and I’ll keep you all posted on my sessions and start blogging again when I do! ??


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



