Canon Photographyのインスタグラム(cpcollectives) - 1月14日 01時03分

Hey everyone @jordan_robins continuing my takeover. Today I am sharing with you one of my favourite images of an endangered Green Sea Turtle.
This image was captured on a recent trip to the Great Barrier Reef, which is my favourite place to travel to photograph.
When you are swimming with Sea Turtles you are overwhelmed by a sense of calm and relaxation and you are truly present in the moment.
I swum with this turtle for over 30 minutes as it continued about its daily life, completely undisturbed by my presence, a truly beautiful experience.
When you are shooting underwater images like this I find that using an f/stop of f/8 will give you the sharpest images underwater.
Canon 5d Mk III + 8-15mm f/4
ISO 400 | f/8 | 1/500sec
@jordan_robins takes the most unbelievable shots! To her more about him and how he captures them, follow the link in our bio!
#canon_photos #cpcollectives


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