キャリー=アン・モスのインスタグラム(carrieannemoss) - 1月22日 05時37分

Firstly these are our families best friend family folks @chiltonic_sd :: Matt and Gretchen have been telling us about their business for a few years now. Last night Matt came to stay with us and had his portable machine in the car- he’s doing a demo this week here in LA. I had a wicked headache ( I’m doing a detox) pain was an 8 - close to grabbing that proven it’s really bad for you Advil ( sterility in men yikes ) -after my usual remedy of peppermint oil and baths was failing :: Matt gave me a chiltonic facial - holy moly holy wow !!! Omg it worked .
If you suffer from pain due to inflammation and you live near San Diego check @chiltonic_sd out :: And this business model that these epic humans have created - making community through alternative holistic well being is amazing #imachiltonicbeliver


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