大英博物館のインスタグラム(britishmuseum) - 3月18日 20時03分

‘For the houses, as though in protest against the masterless swirl of rock, are cubic, solid, and severe… they might have been sliced and squared out of goat’s cheese. The houses and the rocks alike thrust into the air an infinity of sharp and light-reflecting facets.’ – travel writer Patrick Leigh Fermor describes the Greek island of Hydra in 1964.
Leigh Fermor was friends with Greek artist Niko Ghika who painted this view of Hydra port at sunset in 1957–1960. They lived together with British artist John Craxton at Ghika’s ancestral home on Hydra, each making works influenced by the landscape, culture and people of the island. Step into the Mediterranean sun and explore the friendship of this dynamic trio in our new free exhibition – now open! Find out more via the link in our bio. #Ghika #Craxton #LeighFermor #Hydra #Greece #Greek #art #artist #artists #painting #oilpaint #Mediterranean #20thcentury


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