thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 6月23日 04時24分

Photo by @FransLanting Once emperor penguin chicks are a month old, their parents leave them alone in the colony while they go off foraging at sea. The chicks gather together and wait. Emperors and their offspring recognize each other by voice rather than sight. So when adults return to the colony with food, they find their young by calling. Parents trumpet, and the chicks chirp in response. At the edge of a crèche where chicks gathered in a huddle that keeps them warm, one emperor parent listens for the sound of her chick. In October of 2016, the lives of these penguins and of multitudes of marine life around Antarctica were given an extraordinary gift: The largest marine protected area (MPA) in the world—covering 600,000 square miles—was declared in the Ross Sea off Antarctica. Follow @FransLanting and @ChristineEckstrom for more images and stories from Antarctica and the lives of the creatures dependent on ice.

@ナショナルジオグラフィック @National Geographic Travel @natgeocreative #Penguins #EmperorPenguins #Antarctica #PenguinChicks #SouthernOcean


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