Qing Hanさんのインスタグラム写真 - (Qing HanInstagram)「ಥ_ಥ There's only one reason I'm doing this and it's cause I can include the best one, on the right bottom 😂 #eyememe #bandwagon • • • Sry, gonna ramble about my medical condition rn, feel free to just ignore. Got some not great news at the hospital yesterday though nothing is for sure yet, but they found new abnormal growth in my heart again from the CT scan I had taken on Tue. This is the same growth that made me have pretty much allll my surgeries hahahaahahjaahahaha....I'm beyond stressed right now. Like. Beyond. *internal screaming*」6月30日 4時29分 - qinniart

Qing Hanのインスタグラム(qinniart) - 6月30日 04時29分

There's only one reason I'm doing this and it's cause I can include the best one, on the right bottom 😂 #eyememe #bandwagon

Sry, gonna ramble about my medical condition rn, feel free to just ignore.
Got some not great news at the hospital yesterday though nothing is for sure yet, but they found new abnormal growth in my heart again from the CT scan I had taken on Tue. This is the same growth that made me have pretty much allll my surgeries hahahaahahjaahahaha....I'm beyond stressed right now. Like. Beyond. *internal screaming*


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