Qing Hanのインスタグラム(qinniart) - 1月22日 06時30分
[Flowering Wounds]
Sometimes I like to pretend my blue and purple hospital bruises are little galaxies 🌌
//health update//
So I haven't really been updating things here on insta, sorry; it's just easier to update stuff on twitter and patreon xD;;. Basically I had my first chemo session; it made my body have some pretty bad fluid retention, so I ended up gaining about 7kg of liquid in my body and they had to transfer me to the emergency room. It took about a week for them to finally remove this liquid cyst that my body gained from the chemo, and the liquid was 2L lmao. I was in so much pain for a week it's kinda ridiculous tbh....
but yeah, I got discharged from the hospital last week and my next round of chemo is coming up next week. I hope there's no repeat of what happened omfg D;;;. docs said they're gonna be a lot more careful about fluid retention this time so...fingers crossed >__<~
but hey, I'm still alive! yay. xD
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