Qing Hanさんのインスタグラム写真 - (Qing HanInstagram)「[Birdcage] • • I'm back~! Sorta~ hopefully~ loll I kinda put stuff up on my patreon now :3~ link in my profile 👆👆🙏 mostly just sketches and wip tho, just one tier, $1+ xD~ I decided to set it up when my medications jumped to $400/month o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o;;;; • Sorry I've been away for so long without any update..I've kinda got some anxiety about not being able to draw as much as before and it was easier to just not thinking about the social media aspect of it all. ------------ A lil update on my health: Got discharged from the hospital last week and tried to finish this asap. Went in for abdominal pain but my heart was beating so fast in intervals they kept me in the cardiac ICU for close watch cause apparently it was really dangerous for a bit xD;; They also found a lump mass in my body and they're not sure if it's cancer or not. The pathologist team at the hospital can't agree on whether it's sarcoma cancer or a benign tumour I guess? So, that's been fun lol. It's weird how my body is like, really trying to kill itself 😂😂 BC Cancer was supposed to contact me last week but they're not very fast at contacting people I guess? XD -- Fingers crossed its not cancer cause my heart is still a mess and I've no idea how chemotherapy would mesh with my heart medications. I take soooo much heart meds now sometimes I worry for my liver and kidney lol, I hope they can take the meds xD~ I wish I had better news tho lol. I'm kinda still in medical limbo....it's like I've stopped in time to work on surviving and watching everything passing me by...kinda depressing sometimes haha...sorry uwu. But still alive tho. That's a plus. Lmao. ---------- TL;DR: my health is kinda getting worse but I'm still alive tho yaaay • Thanks to those of you who are still sticking around xD💕💕 • • • • • #illustration #surreal #pencil #drawing #instaartist」11月8日 7時29分 - qinniart

Qing Hanのインスタグラム(qinniart) - 11月8日 07時29分


I'm back~! Sorta~ hopefully~ loll
I kinda put stuff up on my patreon now :3~ link in my profile 👆👆🙏
mostly just sketches and wip tho, just one tier, $1+ xD~ I decided to set it up when my medications jumped to $400/month o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o;;;;

Sorry I've been away for so long without any update..I've kinda got some anxiety about not being able to draw as much as before and it was easier to just not thinking about the social media aspect of it all.
A lil update on my health:
Got discharged from the hospital last week and tried to finish this asap. Went in for abdominal pain but my heart was beating so fast in intervals they kept me in the cardiac ICU for close watch cause apparently it was really dangerous for a bit xD;;
They also found a lump mass in my body and they're not sure if it's cancer or not. The pathologist team at the hospital can't agree on whether it's sarcoma cancer or a benign tumour I guess? So, that's been fun lol. It's weird how my body is like, really trying to kill itself 😂😂 BC Cancer was supposed to contact me last week but they're not very fast at contacting people I guess? XD
Fingers crossed its not cancer cause my heart is still a mess and I've no idea how chemotherapy would mesh with my heart medications. I take soooo much heart meds now sometimes I worry for my liver and kidney lol, I hope they can take the meds xD~
I wish I had better news tho lol. I'm kinda still in medical limbo....it's like I've stopped in time to work on surviving and watching everything passing me by...kinda depressing sometimes haha...sorry uwu. But still alive tho. That's a plus. Lmao.
TL;DR: my health is kinda getting worse but I'm still alive tho yaaay

Thanks to those of you who are still sticking around xD💕💕

#illustration #surreal #pencil #drawing #instaartist

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