Qing Hanのインスタグラム(qinniart) - 9月6日 04時28分

Empty ⭕️

So I took a break from social media for about a month. This really just was a doodle for myself and I wasn't even going to post it, but you know how sometimes messy doodles just kinda solidify... Well, anyways, stress got the better of me and I pretty much had to shut down and do something else for a bit. And by something else I mean nothing of significance at all lol.
I wish things had gotten better, but it hasn't...my mom's white blood cell count actually LOWERED, and she still insists on working -__-;;. My granddad's tumour has...migrated... I'll need to go back to China soon to see him. My mom's preparing me for the worst and it's kinda all just happening at once? The doctors here are thinking of sending me to the Mayo clinic in the US because my heart disease is so unusual, and the scar is STILL growing according to the CT reports...And US medical fees are so much I dunno if I'd wanna go or just die and save some money for my aging parents 😂😂
Anyways, I'm not sure how "back" I am, but I'm trying to get back to art and maybe draw my stress out haha...but tbh it felt better gaming and not thinking about anything. Haha, sorry, I feel like every time I post online it's always so negative. I wish I was more positive these days~ Well, I'm more positive when I'm gaming and cooking? Lmaooo~~ I'm gonna go water my plants.
Thanks for dropping by and sticking w me :) 💕


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