Qing Hanのインスタグラム(qinniart) - 7月27日 06時10分
The sunny weather outside doesn't match my mood...hahaha...
Just some rambling as usual, feel free to ignore me hahaha.
sorry I haven't really been posting much...
I've been a little stressed. No surprises there haha. The doctors don't know what to do with me or my heart disease, I'm not getting call backs even after doing tests, but most of all as time goes on I feel more and more useless and like...a waste of space...? It's just this feeling of guilt, inadequacy of not being able to do anything to help anyone or even earn a decent living, instead living off my parents because I'm too sick and stressed and busy with rehab stuff to work right now. It doesn't help that my mom's injured her arm and was diagnosed with low white blood cell (low immune system) a few weeks ago...we're like two sick ppl taking care of each other lmao "orz
so yah I've been avoiding social media a bit...I drew this one thing that started off nice and sunny and as my mood worsened it turned sad 😂. I was randomly bursting into tears and shit, and that's not fun lol...
I'm so tired. Thanks for all your support and kind words though....but I'm so tired...of just, like, everything hahaha...
Sorry, rambled again lmaooo you guys must be super tired of reading these depressing-ish shit lmaooo sry, I don't mean to do it but there aren't a lot of ppl I can talk to about this stuff, especially not my family cause it stresses them out lolll~ though if this stressed you out I'm sorrryyyy haha @-@;;; umm thanks for making it this far lol this is a true ramble. Here's a cookie. Wait, it's summer, so here's some ice cream 🍦😆
#illustration #goldfish #summer #mood #procreate
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