Qing Hanのインスタグラム(qinniart) - 3月21日 07時43分
Flower Tea hat 🌺💫
It's ma birthdayyyyy 😁~
The only time I feel shameless enough to kinda promote my kofi page a little bit @-@~
if you enjoy my content, please consider buying me a kofi? Which I will then just buy tea with. But also coffee. I drink both 😆. link in my profile. Thank you guys so much for even just sticking around 💕
sorry I haven't been posting as frequently as I even want to >_<~ I'm def gonna try to draw more and hope I can ignore my back pain into oblivion 😂~
In the mean time, I do post more random scraps of doodles or processes on Twitter. I don't know why but I feel like I can just chuck random stuff on Twitter; maybe it's cause the interface isn't the best for art posting anyways lmao~
My next heart CT is in a week and half, and I'm already nervous af. Trying not to think about what will happen if the drugs I'm trying doesn't work 😵~ gotta be positive and just ignore these thoughts hahaha~
Ps, forgot to add that that the tattoo was inspired by @zihwa_tattooer . I wish I could get one from her haha..unfortunately blood thinners, low immunity and tattoos don't mix xD;;
#illustration #witch #stars #tea #coffee
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