クインシー・ジョーンズのインスタグラム(quincyjones) - 7月10日 03時04分

My heart is so full of ❤️ I don’t even know what to do with it!! Wow. ((:0)) MONTREUX! What. A. Night...To all of the performers, I thank-Q. To all of the guests, I thank-Q. To all of the organizers & behind-the-scenes peeps, I thank-Q. This was absolutely one of the best bday par-tays & it wouldn’t have been possible without each & every one of YOU! Even though I didn’t get a chance to meet all y’awl last night, I felt your collective energy & it was beaUtiful. It was a true exemplification of the spirit of “Ubuntu”-the collective is always more important than the individual-which is part of the phrase that my brother Nelson Mandela always used to make me write when I saw him. So to everyone who spent 1am-5am with me last night...“Umuntu Ggumuntu Ngabantu!” = “I’m a person, you’re a person, because of other persons.” All my love...q
?? @qwest.tv @montreuxjazzfestival @quincyjonesproductions @quincyjonesfilms ?: @anoushabrar #Q85Tour

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