トーマス・サドスキーのインスタグラム(thomas_sadoski) - 8月8日 11時18分

@warchildusa is the only non-profit organization focused exclusively on the protection of children in war. They use a bold, community-driven approach to end the cycles of violence that disrupt childhood during war. Together with local partners and offices around the world, they help hundreds of thousands of war-affected children every year.

@warchildusa focuses their efforts in three specific areas.
•Education: Joining with the local community and local population they adapt curriculums and train educators to restore every child’s right to learn in conflict zones around the world.
•Justice: Conflicts limit a country’s ability to bring criminals to justice for crimes like sexual and domestic abuse. War Child works directly with local organizations to offer legal aid and support to survivors.
•Opportunity: War Child’s livelihood programming creates opportunities for young people to gain economic independence while strengthening local economies. ✌️ I am wholeheartedly on-board with this methodology; it avoids the inadvertent but nonetheless damaging colonialism and paternalism that too often pervades a lot of humanitarian work and it offers focus, purpose and hope by putting recovery in the hands and hearts of effected communities. Please join me in supporting this incredible organization.


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