TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 8月11日 02時59分

Artist @carriemaeweems created a grid to celebrate @officialspikelee’s 30-year career as a filmmaker, beginning with breakouts She’s Gotta Have It (1986), School Daze (1988) and Do the Right Thing (1989). His latest film, @blackkklansman, is out Aug. 10, around the anniversary of the unrest in #Charlottesville. Last year, as @rembert writes in this week's cover story, "Americans were forced to reckon with the reality that we live in a country where white supremacists can parade openly, and without condemnation from the White House. We allow for the slaughter of unarmed black children and the mass incarceration of people of color. A black President who had to be publicly perfect for eight years was followed by a white President who is habitually dishonest. So many Americans were lulled into complacency by the progress that Obama’s presidency signaled, and the symbol he represented. Yet all gains can easily be lost, particularly in a society stacked against anyone who threatens the dominant order. Lee has been trying to tell us this for more than 30 years. He’s hoping we’re ready to listen." Read more on TIME.com. By @carriemaeweems for TIME

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