サディク・ハドゾビックのインスタグラム(sadikhadzovic) - 8月16日 23時11分

Prepare and don’t let small challenges get in the way of your goals. Keeping my weekly meals simple and grocery shopping even quicker and affordable. Next time you head out to the store, try walking the perimeter of the store. That's where you will find your fresh meat, poultry, dairy, eggs, fresh fruits, veggies, healthy carbs from sweet potatoes and fats like avocado. Only go down the middle isles for rice, oats, or for occasional supplements.
?Another good idea is to buy in bulk and freeze any meat you may not want to use that week. Check out what non-starch veggies are on sale. Keep in mind that buying local veggies is usually cheaper. But frozen veggies like you see with chopped spinach is always a good bet. These you can find dirt cheap, they last longer then fresh veggies, and can be just as nutritious! Once you’ve made a list of the items use those foods to fit your macros for the week.
?DM ME or ?EMAIL: Coaching@sadikhadzovic.com


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